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A key moment to integrate cities in global climate science

August 26, 2024 11:46 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

The forthcoming IPCC Special Report on Cities and Climate Change is a crucial opportunity for the urban climate research community to ensure the critical importance and vulnerability of cities is more accurately reflected in global climate science.  Although climate change and its impacts affect the entire planet, both the causes of man-made climate change and the people exposed to it are highly concentrated in densely populated urban areas.  Urban areas occupy only 1-3% of land, yet they are home to... Read More

Negin Nazarian receives NSW Young Tall Poppy Award

August 6, 2024 4:21 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Dr Negin Nazarian, Chief Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence in 21st Century Weather, has received a 2024 NSW Young Tall Poppy Science Award in recognition of her research and outreach work in the field of urban climatology. Negin is a Scientia Senior Lecturer in the School of Built Environment at UNSW, leads the Climate-Resilient Cities (CRC) research lab, and is also a Chief Investigator at the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes. Negin is an urban climatologist... Read More

Andrew King awarded ARC Future Fellowship

August 6, 2024 3:37 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The ARC Centre of Excellence in 21st Century Weather congratulates Chief Investigator Dr Andrew King on being awarded an ARC Future Fellowship. Andrew is a Senior Lecturer in Climate Science at the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Melbourne. Andrew, who is also a former ARC DECRA Fellow, has been awarded a grant of AU$1,034,602 to conduct a four-year project titled ‘Understanding climate change beyond net-zero’. Speaking to 21st Century Weather about the announcement, Andrew... Read More

At-risk islands are missing from climate change models

July 10, 2024 9:21 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Urgent international cooperation is required to provide small island states and territories with the information they need to respond effectively to the existential threat of climate change. Many parts of the world most at risk of sea level rise and other damaging impacts of climate change are among the least prepared to meet these challenges, because current climate models don’t accurately represent such small geographic areas.  The majority of global models used to predict future climate and weather change operate... Read More

Celebrating our first Winter School

June 27, 2024 11:35 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

21st Century Weather has joined forces with Climate Extremes to host our first winter school. Not surprisingly, we chose to talk about the weather. About 60 students and ECRs from all over Australia converged on Monash University for a week to hone their skills in key concepts of how weather and climate work and interact. Lecture topics ranged from the theoretical concepts that describe the evolution of individual weather systems to their interaction with large-scale modes of climate variability as... Read More

Nerilie Abram elected Fellow of Australian Academy of Science

May 22, 2024 3:48 am Published by Leave your thoughts

21st Century Weather congratulates our Chief Investigator Nerilie Abram on being elected a fellow of the Australian Academy of Science.  Nerilie is a Professor of Climate Science in the Research School of Earth Sciences at The Australian National University in Canberra. She is a Deputy Director of 21st Century Weather, and also a Chief Investigator of both the ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes and the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Science. Fellows of the Australian Academy of... Read More

The distinctive white sails of Sydney Opera House in the bottom right, with a pink and blue sky behind

Sonic Vocabularies: Climate, Weather and Music

April 29, 2024 12:36 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Call for proposals open now! About this project The climate crisis is a global issue strongly influencing the evolution of art music: shaping new directions in creative practice and informing conceptual frameworks. Music has an important role to play in climate crisis discourse, by offering a sonic pathway to bridge the gap between data, understanding, reflection, and action. While climate change is often described as ‘global’ warming, we all experience it as a change in the weather where we live.... Read More

Climate-driven weather change behind record-breaking heat in 2023

April 11, 2024 5:13 am Published by Leave your thoughts

The relationship between anthropogenic climate change and global weather patterns led to the hottest year on record in 2023. Human-induced global heating combined with other important drivers and feedbacks – including persistent atmospheric blocking, droughts, marine heatwaves and El Niño – caused unprecedented heatwaves in many parts of the planet.  Writing in Nature Reviews Earth & Environment’s ‘Climate chronicles’ series, 21st Century Weather Chief Investigator Sarah Perkins-Kirkpatrick and her collaborators detailed the extent of the extreme conditions. The data offers... Read More

Andrew King receives 2024 Anton Hales Medal

April 11, 2024 12:35 am Published by Leave your thoughts

21st Century Weather Chief Investigator Dr Andrew King has been awarded the 2024 Anton Hales Medal by the Australian Academy of Science. The Medal recognises research in the Earth sciences and honours the contributions of the late Professor Anton Hales, who was the founding director of the Research School of Earth Sciences at the Australian National University. Andrew is a Senior Lecturer in Climate Science at the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Melbourne.  He... Read More

Ailie Gallant awarded 2024 Dorothy Hill Medal

April 9, 2024 4:27 am Published by Leave your thoughts

21st Century Weather Chief Investigator Ailie Gallant has been awarded the 2024 Dorothy Hill Medal by the Australian Academy of Science. By providing support to women researchers in the Earth sciences, the Academy’s Dorothy Hill Medal honours the contributions of the late Professor Dorothy Hill and her work in opening up tertiary science education to women. Ailie is an Associate Professor in the School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment within the Faculty of Science at Monash University. Her work focuses... Read More