
  • Probable weather and climate information – Christian Jakob explains what’s going on

    Most of our weather and climate forecasts come in chances and likelihoods of events. What do they mean? How can I interpret them? And most importantly, how can I use them to make a decision. In this article in The Conversation, our Director, Christian Jakob, takes a look at the essence of probabilistic forecasting. He explains why……

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  • Weather is a key resource to society

    In our “land of droughts and flooding rains” the weather is on everybody’s mind. Its highest visible impact occurs when it threatens infrastructure and lives. Much of the recent public discourse on climate change has been focused on the future of severe weather events. Quite apart from these severe events, the weather plays a critical……

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  • Chief Investigator Dr Andrew King wins prestigious Priestley Medal

    21st Century Weather Chief Investigator Dr Andrew King from the University of Melbourne was recently announced as the 2023 recipient of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society’s Priestley Medal. This award recognises Andrew’s outstanding contributions to understanding of climate variability, climate change, temperature and rainfall extremes, seasonal climate prediction and climate impacts. In 21st Century……

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  • Training the first generation of Weather Change Scientists

    The ARC Centre of Excellence for the Weather of the 21st Century (21st Century Weather) will establish a fully integrated Researcher Development Program. This program, spanning seven years and led by a dedicated Associate Director, will provide unrivalled breadth and depth of training and support for researchers in the Centre. Whilst the program will be……

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