Study With Us: Honours opportunities at 21st Century Weather

The ARC Centre of Excellence for the Weather of the 21st Century explores how Australia’s weather is being reshaped by climate change.

We offer highly competitive scholarships intended to provide Honours students with an introduction to cutting-edge climate science and weather change research at one of our five universities.

Students must be supervised by a Centre researcher and enrolled in Honours at one of our five universities:

  • UNSW
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Tasmania
  • ANU
  • Monash University

At the University of Melbourne, due to the phasing out of Honours, these awards may be awarded to MSc students, including Master of Science (Earth Science) students.

The scholarship value is $7,500 for one year and will be payable subject to satisfactory academic progress, which is to be determined by the Honours project supervisor.


Each applicant will be assessed on the basis of:

  • Academic merit (please provide copies of academic transcripts).
  • The extent to which the Honours topic aligns with the Centre’s research aims.
  • Aptitude and commitment to the preferred program of study.

If you have any questions about our Honours research scholarships, please contact the Centre’s Associate Director Leadership and Training Melissa Hart.

Follow the links below to learn about the Honours research projects on offer at our node universities

Honours scholarship opportunities at the University of Tasmania

Honours scholarship opportunities at UNSW

Honours scholarship opportunities at ANU

Honours scholarship opportunities at Monash University

Honours scholarship opportunities at the University of Melbourne