• Negin Nazarian’s Journey to Antarctica with Homeward Bound

    In this special blog post, read about 21st Century Weather Chief Investigator Negin Nazarian’s inspiring voyage to Antarctica as part the Homeward Bound program. Why was I there? I promised Antarctica reflections and penguin photos, so here we go!  First and foremost: why was I there? The answer is to take part in the most……

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  • Seasons & regions key to linking El Niño, La Niña & rainfall

    New research conducted using machine learning has highlighted the importance of focusing on specific seasons and regions when using major modes of climate variability to predict rainfall.  Large-scale modes of climate variability, such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), are often identified in advance by major weather organisations around……

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  • Why was 2022 in Australia so wet, and will it happen again?

    Slow-moving systems of low pressure, high levels of atmospheric moisture and a perfect storm of La Niña, the Indian Ocean Dipole and the Southern Annular Mode caused Australia’s devastating 2022 floods, but more research is needed to understand the role of climate change in future heavy rainfall. Eastern Australia experienced record-breaking rainfall and flooding during……

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  • Humid heat is exceeding human tolerance & causing mass mortality

    Critical physiological limits to human heat tolerance are drawing ever closer, highlighting the urgent need to limit further climate warming and emphasising the adaptation challenge ahead. Writing in the journal Nature Climate Change, 21st Century Weather researchers and their collaborators at institutions around the world offered a stark reminder that the hottest boreal summer on……

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  • Ailie Gallant elected AMOS Fellow

    21st Century Weather congratulates our Chief Investigator Ailie Gallant, who has been elected a Fellow of the Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society (AMOS). Ailie is an Associate Professor in the School of Earth, Atmosphere and Environment at Monash University, and a leading expert in climate extremes, particularly drought. Her election as an AMOS Fellow is……

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